olio (n.) a highly spiced stew; a mix of things

mixed media creations

The Marginalia Series: Putting Marginalized Wisdom on the Page

  • Marginalia I (2023)

    Marginalia I explores the relationship between dreams, creative writing, and the unconscious, featuring three texts by Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis: “On Dreams,” “Creative Writers and Day Dreaming,” and “Psychoanalysis and Culture.” One phrase that is underlined in the collage papers speaks of Freud “adjusting his style to his audience,” words that invoke the methods used—and compromises made—in the hope of being received. This piece depicts the obscuration and curation of the unconscious, depicted through motifs of entanglement and complex layering, and the use of dark areas suggesting hidden dimensions awaiting discovery through dreaming and creative work.

  • Marginalia II (2024)

    Marginalia II addresses psychoanalytic theories of loss, communication, and creativity, linked here to immigration and the postcolonial diaspora. Texts by and about Freud, reshaped through being torn, share space with vintage Indian stamps and a poem from the 17th century South Indian poet and social critic Vemana, placed within an image reminiscent of a postmark. A partial translation of the hand-lettered Telugu script reads: “the rain drop that enters an oyster turns into a pearl; the rain drop that enters water remains water…in a promising place the result cannot disappoint.”

  • Marginalia III (2024)

    Marginalia III emphasizes the word “humanity,” circled in ink at the top of the piece. The texture of the naturally-aged paper is retained, vulnerable and available, offering the inviting tactility of the printed page, with torn edges on every side. Green dots and small paper elements evoke sparks and sprouts of creative processes, also explored in the texts, by Freud. The viewer is invited to become a reader of a Freud who is writing about play, “poetic creation,” and creativity, themes that invite the viewer to define these experiences from a position of self-authorization to unleash latent potentials within.

Primitive Psyche (2024)

Uninterpreted Dream (2024)

These works are rooted in the theme of marginalized wisdom: experiences, expertise, and ways of being that are marginalized within individuals and communities.  Psychoanalysis privileges knowledge that is hidden from our view—in parts of ourselves that we relegate to the sidelines, despite the treasures they hold. Several of these pieces reshape, combine, and highlight foundational psychoanalytic texts in novel ways, a dynamic method of decolonization through artistic reclamation. The artist, a psychoanalyst of color confronting intergenerational legacies of colonization, addresses personal and social refrains of submerged internal knowledge and being “on the margins.” The non-hierarchical, integrative technique of collage allows for these texts to be re-contextualized, and inner knowing to be re-centered. 

Hidden Treasures (2023)